This website is designed to conveniently provide FREE information on all aspects of Barefoot Hub Ball. Any questions that you have should be readily answerable by the website text. But if you still have a question for the sport’s creator, Tom Kutscher, or would like to share your experience in Barefoot Hub Ball, or videos, or positive testimonials, please do so. Also well-thought constructive recommendations or advice are welcome (provided that you at least try the sport and the recommendations are based on experience of actual play, not on theory).

Your feedback and contact information will be kept private by the website webmaster and your e-mail address will be used only for corresponding back.

Barefoot Hub Ball is a new sport. It is not associated with any other organization and is independent of any commercial interests. So anything you send will not be forwarded by me to any other site. Eventually it may become associated with commercial interests, but when and if that occurs, the association(s) will be indicated on the Home Page.

Note – there is no assurance that any messages will be responded to, but those who have made real efforts to play and promote the sport will get top consideration for a response. If you are a school, league, or parks & recreation department and have a serious interest in setting up this sport, go ahead. You do not need to contact us, but feel free to – your questions are especially important to us.

Enter in the following information if you want to Contact Us: